About Me ( Poet Mangalaprathaban M)

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Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
I am an ELE expert educated at CIEFL and trained by various international organisations in the field of Second Language Education.I have designed more than 200 ESP Courses for Professionals and students.I have conducted workshops in various colleges and universities in the areas of ESP.I am a freelance trainer and teacher educator interested in textbook writing and corporate training programmes. See his recitation at athttp://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ6K5jt8FEoUFjo_uwcs6uA You can see his free video presentation at https://youtu.be/aO_I1HwWC7w

Sunday, 17 December 2023

Flash of a dawn

Flash of a dawn

I opened the window panes to gaze a galaxy of stars, waving at strangers without any strangeness.
Fuelled by the time of the day, fringes dry out soon to moon around our Pompeii.
Caesar is yet to be identified to claim the throne in Buddha's land of boundless love.
Caesar's wife is always beyond any doubt here and there.
Mark Anthony smiles at Triumvirs.
I drank my frankness to wash away the pastness in the present.
I miss out the links for nothingness whipped out on our sarcasm.
My mind is a canvas dancing with the daffodils of the day.
I smile at them and chat with them in the absolute silence.
Silence is louder than words of wisdom spilled out of sagacity.

(Copyright: ©Mangalaprathaban Muralidharan, December 18,2023)

( ® All rights reserved)

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Screens of Crystals in the Light House

Swimming pool inches up every day 
as the streets of Our Life immerses in the  galaxies of love and ecstasy, longing for what makes you and me in the fantasy of words smiling at the hall of joy.
Waves of water bubbles forsake the blues of yesteryears and wrench the flimsy flakes of vacuousness once for all.
Humanoids brim with the linking oasis but do not yield the bards of stardom with honeydews of freedom lost in the case of Narges Mohammadi.
Yellowed with red hats, her intimate communion with liberty live with the flint of fire for equality and equanimity.
Someone rang me up talking about shamanism but I don't feel free to speak about the blurred identities.
I am lost in the world of boundless energy and speak through my poems all alone.
Free to hoist the flag of freedom in the mindless echoes of nothingness inbuilt in love beyond the scope of bindings.
I am in sync with the limelight of a team lulling with the company of everlasting poetry on a few occasions of mimetic bliss.
Drips of love trip me off beyond all reasons.
I urge upon the stripes of colourless cadets encarving the sky in the name of cloudy cacoon.
Sideline the beasts of our erotic estates and blink upon the future of nature's furore.

(Copyright: ©Mangalaprathaban Muralidharan, December 10,2023)
( All rights reserved ®)

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Fireworks for the day

Cracks of a palace dispel the grey matter.
Dripping lanes of a rainy day spin on the Earth.
Shying away from her sinister designs, the lion licks its paws of power.
Freezing the blues of yesterday's meeting, I wonder at myself and others.
Dogs in the street bark at strangers now and then.
I don't know how she elopes with
 her man of letters  all of a sudden,
 in the bliss of a new moon day.
Everyone cries aloud for someone,
 who sips the silence of our life.
His Holiness is with us forever to shove the way to God, the Omniscient.
I am eating up the lulling moments of love.
(Copyright: ©Mangalaprathaban Muralidharan, December 02,2023)

( ® All rights reserved)

Stitching up the Rainbow for the Sky

Stitching up the rainbow for the sky

I smear the bliss of a rainbow wedded sky on a moonlit night.
She winks at her eyes of sedate oneness.
Our bliss of love blinks at nothingness.
We remain mute spectators without any option.
Hysteria lasts longer than usual for all.
Synergistic symphonies sideline you at once.
I don't know how to deal with life lost in time.
We are what we are because of rainbow wedded sky.
I have been a rainbow at times.
Mosaic of my poems spiral over everything that I have signed up for a mundane life.
Where is the need to stitch a rainbow of flowers and thy fragrance?

(Copyright:© Mangalaprathaban Muralidharan, November 30,2023)
( All rights reserved ®)