Monday 31 July 2017

Sacrifices at Jalianwala bagh

Our Heritage of valiant heroes and their legacies of bravery bring us the majestic mosaic of freedom.
Our Marvels of Integrity echo the bliss of courage demystified in the aura of oneness in the Mother India.
Her children live with the spirit of everlasting communion of fraternity to foster the saga of universal harmony.
Slavery is a disease to be cured with absolute transition towards of egalitarianism.
The Vultures of exploitation can not touch the horizon of freedom at all,
as they are disillusioned in the citadels of materialistic greed and pomp.
The bliss of ecstasy flows through the Golden Temple and reverberates in the hearts of Indians.
Our language of oneness seeks the communion of our minds and hearts beyond all our creeds ,clans, castes,regions and religions. 
Mother India smiles at the world echoing the courage of her children to script a leonine history of achievements in every field.
Ours is  a land of sages,saints,hermits and of course,of Gods and Godesses as well.
We speak the language of love with divine seeds of efflorescence,brilliantly etched in our deeds and thoughts of selflessness.
Oh! Our Legendary Martyrs of Jalianwala bagh steer our minds clear of all that is cluttering the communal passions of regimentation with unflinching bravery of oneness.

(Copyright:Mangalaprathaban Muralidharan,July30,2017)


  1. A well written article that I enjoyed reading. God bless India with all of its blessings.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
