About Me ( Poet Mangalaprathaban M)

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Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
I am an ELE expert educated at CIEFL and trained by various international organisations in the field of Second Language Education.I have designed more than 200 ESP Courses for Professionals and students.I have conducted workshops in various colleges and universities in the areas of ESP.I am a freelance trainer and teacher educator interested in textbook writing and corporate training programmes. See his recitation at athttp://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ6K5jt8FEoUFjo_uwcs6uA You can see his free video presentation at https://youtu.be/aO_I1HwWC7w

Thursday, 23 February 2023

A suave monk

A suave monk  found a grumpy old jackal yelling beyond the scope of climate change.
Our Uncle Jack inches towards the rainbow ruckus.
The psychics of trust miss the links for a change.
The blue-eyed boy of a monastery mints the spineless tricks of waverly wisdom.
Jacob becomes a ghost all at once.
Jackals are sometimes known for poisonous snakes waiting for their fatal bites.
They bury the best for their nepotism.
Their days are counted on their countless attacks of the innocent multitudes.
The silky smooth cobra slips out of its track to claim its supremacy.
Days are born with light and love.

Living without shadows of debt...

A saint sleeps over his debts for no reason.
Money makes the world of chaos.
The saintliness sinks in the bottomless pit of frankness and seeks humiliation from the eyes of the Modern Rawana and Greedy Duriyodhana.
Triumphs of love field us off all at once.
Perched on the pit rests a Cuckolded Nightingale.
Rawana was not a Man of Might.
He filled his splurge of ego in crystal wonder.
Silencing the blues and greens, I feel free to emerge out of chaotic freeze.
The Lord Ram conquers the egoistic voyage of Rawana for ever.
I am a mute spectator of life lost in debts.
I don't know how to make a way out of boundless love inbuilt in the world of nothingness.
Nothing remains the same.

(Copyright: Mangalaprathaban Muralidharan, Feb23,2023)